Mission statement:
When scientific careers are competitive and financial resources scarce, we are here to investigate the disciplinary, topical and other forms of bias in the awarding of research grants. We seek to better understand the ways in which funding steers the epistemic course of the sciences, creates or reinforces hierarchical structures between or within disciplines, bestows prestige on research organizations, and transforms career trajectories of individual scientists. Our findings shall contribute to evidence-based policies for more efficient, diverse, and fair distribution of research funding.
Funded and Unfunded Science, 2021 conference
- We have launched a call for abstracts for the international research symposium Funded and Unfunded Science: Academic Inequalities and Epistemic Gaps. If you work on the issues related to science funding, please consider submitting and joining our discussions in Prague, October 4–5, 2021.
- Read the blog post (in Czech only) Závislost na GAČRu: Projektové dedikace publikačních výsledků z perspektivy vědních oblastí published by Vědavýzkum.cz.
- Visit our panel Věda jako předmět výzkumu: lidské, tematické a finanční zdroje ve vědě accepted at Konference České sociologické společnosti 2021 in Brno, June 23-25, 2021.
In the RESFUN-CZ project, we apply combined scientometric and topic modeling tools to large and enriched datasets on Czech science to better understand how the thematic structure of science accounts for differences in the access to research funding with an additional emphasis on social sciences specialties and gendered topics. Grant-getting has been associated with only a modest increase in research output and impact, while its most discernible documented effect consists of improving researchers' careers. Grants also change the way scientists work, e.g. by stimulating collaboration. Little remains known, however, about the relationship of the thematic priorities in scientific disciplines to grant awards. The project will provide such insights by coupling scientometric analysis with the recently advanced tools for identifying semantic structures, or topics, among the funded and unfunded research outputs recorded in the Czech Register of R&D Results. Supplementary indicators, e. g. bibliometric records are used to enrich the original data and enable descriptive mapping of the role of funding in various disciplines and organizations. The project also examines the effects of authorial predictors, e.g. gender or position in a coauthorship network, on grant-getting. Finally, research topics are to be included in the models as covariates to estimate their effects on the difference between funded and unfunded research.
Funded and Unfunded Research in the Czech Republic: Scientometric Analysis and Topic Modeling is a project no. GJ20-01752Y supported by the Czech Science Foundation.
- Kolář, M. H. and R. Hladík: Grand prix české vědy: Analýza soutěží Grantové agentury ČR pro rok 2020 in collaboration with Czexpats in Science.
- R. Hladík: Závislost na GAČRu: Projektové dedikace publikačních výsledků z perspektivy vědních oblastí.
- Hladík, R.: Grant Allocations and Grant Dependency of Disciplines in the Czech Science poster presentation at 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science.
Radim Hladík
Radim is the principal investigator (PI) responsible for quantiative data acquisition, processing, and analysis with emphasis on modeling grant topics as well as semantic and disciplinary mapping of Czech science.
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+420 221 183 280
Nina Fárová
Nina focuses her research on the gender dimension of grant awards and is in charge of conducting qualitative research on the notion of academic success in terms of grant acquisition across different disciplines.
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Jiří Bureš
Jiří studies the patterns of concentration in research funding and uses economic indicators for the assessment of inequality in access to financial resources in science.
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Please, get in touch if you find an overlap between our project and your research interest. We are always open to expanding our research network.
We are currently working with the ELICO research team at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 on the comparison of funded topics by Czech and French funding agencies.