Elías Fuentes-Guillén
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Elías Fuentes Guillén is a researcher focused on the transition from mathematical practices that were common in the 18th century to practices that emerged in the second half of the 19th century, as well as on the work of Bernard Bolzano. He obtained a PhD in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the University of Salamanca, under the supervision of José Ferreirós and María Manzano, and in 2018 he was awarded the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship by the Akademie věd České republiky (AV ČR). After that he held postdoctoral positions at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM and the Filosofický ústav AV ČR. He is currently the principal investigator of the Junior Star project “Normalisation and Emergence: Rethinking the Dynamics of Mathematics”, funded by the Grantová agentura České republiky. With this project, he and his team seek to better understand the development of mathematics in Prague – and the Czech lands – within the European context of the first half of the 19th century, as well as to make long-term contributions to the studies on Bernard Bolzano.
Curriculum vitae (January 2025)
Recent publications
Elías Fuentes Guillén. Matematické dílo Bernarda Bolzana ve světle jeho rukopisů [Recenze]
0600505 - FLÚ 2025 CZ cze R - Recenze...
Vlasáková, Marta
Elías Fuentes Guillén. Matematické dílo Bernarda Bolzana ve světle jeho rukopisů [Recenze].
[Elías Fuentes Guillén. The -
Bernard Bolzano, the polymath
0600143 - FLÚ 2025 RIV eng U - Uspořádání akce...
Fuentes Guillén, Elías
Bernard Bolzano, the polymath.
[Prague, 23.09.2024-24.09.2024, (K-EUR 50/15)]
Grant -
Seminar on the Philosophy and History of Mathematics /5./
0600150 - FLÚ 2025 RIV eng U - Uspořádání akce
Fuentes Guillén, Elías
Seminar on the Philosophy and History of Mathematics /5./.
[Prague, 08.10.2024-08.10.2024, (W-EUR 24/2)]
...- Bernard Bolzano, the polymath [Exhibition]
...- The history behind the .i.Bolzano-Gesamtbibliographie 1804–1999./i. and the guidelines for its use
0585980 - FLÚ 2025 RIV GB eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku...
Fuentes Guillén, Elías
The history behind the Bolzano-Gesamtbibliographie 1804–1999 and the guidelines for itsFore more, see the ASEP database of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
- Bernard Bolzano, the polymath [Exhibition]